Horizontal Coil Reels

For cost reasons, most coils are packaged and transported lying on pallets – this saves costly containers for transport and, above all, a lot of time. Many coils are then erected into a vertical position so one can load them onto an uncoiler (Lifehack: our Coil Tilting Hooks from the accessories department are very helpful for this). For some, however, it is more worthwhile to process them as they came – lying down. A Horizontal Coil Reel is perfect for this work: it is actively driven and equipped with a special deflection technology so that the strip of the lying coil can be unwound without knotting issues. Especially for narrow, thin strips,the Horizontal CoilReel provides an efficient solution.

A special feature from GSW: the Horizontal Coil Reel solution for oscillated coils.

With vertical expansions and special lever guide arms, slender pipes made of copper or stainless steel, or even wires are taken up and unwound both gently and safely.

Contact Person

Heiko Dreier



Phone: +49 2152 2033-23

Ulrike Füngerlings

Customer Service


Phone: +49 2152 2033-109

Product Info